To conclude National Superwomen's Month and to celebrate Earth Hour, we present... ______________________________________________
____________________________________________________ Ispikikay first appeared in Kick Fighter Komiks (published by Infinity Publishing Inc.) in 1993. The original series was created by writer Espie Buen Gayanillo and artist Ariel Padilla. Glady Gimena later took over as writer, and some fill-in issues were drawn by Luisito G. Antonio. _______________________________________________________ 
I've always liked Ispikikay, though I'm not really sure why. The stories weren't special, and I thought at the time that Ariel Padilla was the worst artist ever (until I saw his most recent works. He's actually pretty good). Maybe the lighter tales were just a nice change of pace from the macho grittiness of the other Kick Fighter strips. Or maybe it's because, as much as I disliked the artwork, Kikay herself usually looked cute as a button.
Like the other Kick Fighter mainstays, Ispikikay was also based on a character from the Street Fighter video game, but modified to make her appear different. In fact, she was the most heavily-modified of all the KF characters that she would barely even resemble her SF counterpart.
Later in the series, Kikay's friends would also be given super powers, forming the ecological super-team, the Earth Warriors.

Real Name: Dennis
Power: Ice-based abilities.
Ispikikay's arch-nemesis, an evil eco-villain who wants to destroy the environment.
THE FRIGHTFUL FIVE ___________________________Sometimes Sometimes called the Sinister Five, Damon's chief super-powered minions. The group's members are Delubya, Nucleo, Acido, Lumberjack and The Smoker.
Not to be confused with the DC Comics hero of the same name, this Metamorpho is a T2-like shape-shifting agent of the evil Damon.
Evil shadows come to life.
A solar-powered villain hired to protect an illegal logging operation.
Wait a minute... A solar-powered character protecting a threat to the environment?! That doesn't sound right...
PROFESSOR MORGAN _____________________________A mad A mad scientist who wants to dissect Ispikikay.
_____________________________________________________________ ALIENS
_____________________ The The Earth Warriors have faced a number of alien invaders. A lot of them look alike (green-skinned, big-headed, pointy-eared), so they're probably of the same race. __________________________________________________________
A magnetic-powered alien disguised as Kikay's hunky next-door neighbor. ___________________________________________________________KUKA ____________________
The obligatory evil twin, a robot double created by Damon. Aside from Kuka, Damon would use other evil clones against Kikay.
Ispikikay first teamed-up with her KF co-stars in a book-length adventure for the magazine's "Winter Special Edition" 48th issue. _______________________________________
Kikay with Hugo, Boga, Biotrog and Jolas
Art by Lando Inolino

_______________________________________________________ While nature tripping in the forests of Palawan, teenager Charlene "Kikay" Magno encountered a fairy named Tweety Delirius. Chosen to protect the Earth's ecology, Kikay was given extraordinary powers to become the environmental superheroine Ispikikay. ____________________________________ 

__________________________________________________________ Ispikikay has superhuman strength, speed, invulnerability, and the power of flight. She can also project force fields, shoot fireballs, and is skilled in martial arts. _____________________________________________________

Like the other Kick Fighter mainstays, Ispikikay was also based on a character from the Street Fighter video game, but modified to make her appear different. In fact, she was the most heavily-modified of all the KF characters that she would barely even resemble her SF counterpart.
Later in the series, Kikay's friends would also be given super powers, forming the ecological super-team, the Earth Warriors.
Real Name: Joel


Real Name: Dennis
Power: Ice-based abilities.
Real Name: Lucille
Power: Grows to gigantic size.
Real Name: Mark


Ispikikay's arch-nemesis, an evil eco-villain who wants to destroy the environment.
THE FRIGHTFUL FIVE ___________________________Sometimes Sometimes called the Sinister Five, Damon's chief super-powered minions. The group's members are Delubya, Nucleo, Acido, Lumberjack and The Smoker.


Not to be confused with the DC Comics hero of the same name, this Metamorpho is a T2-like shape-shifting agent of the evil Damon.

Evil shadows come to life.

A solar-powered villain hired to protect an illegal logging operation.
Wait a minute... A solar-powered character protecting a threat to the environment?! That doesn't sound right...
The ruler of a race of lightning-people. Not really a bad guy, he goes on the warpath when the Earth's pollution threatens his kingdom.
PROFESSOR MORGAN _____________________________A mad A mad scientist who wants to dissect Ispikikay.

Yet another mad scientist, dubbed "the number one enemy of nature."


A magnetic-powered alien disguised as Kikay's hunky next-door neighbor. ___________________________________________________________KUKA ____________________
The obligatory evil twin, a robot double created by Damon. Aside from Kuka, Damon would use other evil clones against Kikay.


Art by Gilbert Monsanto
When Kick Fighter was reformatted in 1995 and its characters were re-shuffled, Ispikikay (renamed "Kickay" ) was teamed with Kulto and Mysterio in a new strip entitled Quantum Zone.

When KF was revamped anew in 1996, Ispikikay joined the cast of Street Kombat.