Not to be confused with the similarly-named Mars Ravelo character, Varga: The Amazing Iron Lady first appeared in Super Action Komiks #191 (April 11, 1989), published by Atlas Publishing Co., Inc. Created by Edwin Samonte, the series was scripted by Romy P. Lapuz, with art by Arnel Avetria and, later, by Roger Miralles.

Elvira, a dedicated female law enforcer, had just gotten married to businessman Ronnie Varga. Unfortunately, their wedded bliss was tragically cut short when the newlyweds were brutally assassinated on their honeymoon.

Barely holding on to life, Elvira was subjected to an experimental life-saving procedure conducted by Japanese scientist Dr. Gozaru.

Resurrected as a cyborg, Elvira was transformed into the Lady Robocop known simply as Varga; committed to enforcing the law with an iron fist, dispensing ruthless justice and vengeance on those responsible for her murder.

Varga's cybernetic body is bulletproof, and grants her with superhuman strength and agility. Her weak point is the back of her head, which is protected by her helmet. As a police officer, she is skilled in both armed and unarmed combat. Her weapons include high-powered guns and triangular-shaped metal darts.

Varga has a telepathic link with her means of transportation, the Aerocar, a high-tech vehicle that can travel on land, sea and air.

A Japanese scientist in the field of Bio-Electronics, he was apparently the foster father of Elvira's late husband and a godfather in their wedding.
Art by Angelo Ty Dazo

A fellow police officer and Elvira's ex-partner, both professionally and romantically. Turning to alcoholism following Elvira's marriage and subsequent "death," the old romance is rekindled when he is teamed with the newly-restored Varga.
Art by Angelo Ty Dazo
Also known as Goyonochea (James Franco was right; a good criminal mastermind should have an easy-to-pronounce name), the Big Boss of the crime syndicate Kanser.
You know, it's interesting that his organization is named for a terminal illness, considering that his own name is one letter short from being an STD.
As drawn by Arnel Avetria, Varga originally had a mostly-robotic appearance. When Roger Miralles took over as regular artist with Super Action's 200th issue (June 13, 1989), she was given a much more humanoid look.
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