Way back in the mid-1990's, Kick Fighter Komiks was one of the most popular komiks magazines on the stands at the time. Published by Infinity Publishing Inc., it's claim to fame was its roster of characters that were based around those from the popular Street Fighter video games. Be that as it may, the book's writers and artist still managed to exercise their creativity, giving their cast of heroes completely different backgrounds and gradually modifying their looks just enough to make them more-or-less original characters in their own right.
Another thing that made Kick Fighter unique at the time was that its characters existed in the same universe. Although there they may been a few crossovers between Philippine comic book characters before then, they were very rare. To my mind, there hadn't really been a serious attempt at a shared continuity among a large cast of characters from individual series until that time.
The Kick Fighters first came together in KFK's 48th issue (December 30, 1993). With some snappy dialogue from writer Mike Tan and action-packed art by Gilbert Monsanto and Lando Inolino, this book-length adventure was billed as their "Winter Special Edition" (even though we don't really have winter here in the Philippines).
Alien gladiator from the planet Omicron. Star of the serial Versus.
The silver-masked bionic vigilante, star of his own self-titled series.
From the serial Double Blade, a Special Forces commando turned mercenary. Not to be confused with Billy the Dragon, who would later replace Blade as the magazine's resident Guile clone.
Wisecracking high-tech hitman. Also a character from Versus.
Environmentally-conscious green-skinned man-monster. Star of the series Mysterio.
From Versus, a Shaolin monk and ally of Balzaur.
From Double Blade, a black ninja and Blade's former nemesis-turned reluctant partner.
From his own self-titled series, a pro-wrestler and part-time terrorist-buster.
Eco-friendly teenage superheroine, star of her own self-titled series.
Fil-American secret agent, star of his own series.
Super-powered Hindu monk, from the series Kulto.
Bionic-eyed crime-fighting kickboxer, star of his own series.
From Versus, evil robot creation of the mad scientist Brain Master. Erroneously referred to in this story as Ultramaxx.
From Versus, Balzaur's electric-powered arch-foe.

The plot involves the Warlord's scheme to turn the entire world's population into warmongers via a mind-control device. With some of the KF heroes (and some villains) already under the Warlord's thrall, the rest of the good guys are forced to fight their brainwashed comrades in order to save the day.
The story ends with the Warlord being driven away (he's never heard from again), and the heroes vowing to stand together against evil, gathering together for one last group shot...
Even though this was the KF characters' only full-scale crossover, the universe had been established, and the Kick Fighters went on to make frequent guest appearances in each others' series. Later, during the two KFK revamps that followed, certain sets of characters would go on to form their own teams, such as Blades and Bullets, Omni Powers and others.